
  • ISO14001認定証

Our Group strives to contribute to a sustainable society by engaging in business operations with a focus on conserving the environment, energy, and resources. Our Group, including AS ONE headquarters, ourTokyo office, and our logistics centers have all obtained third-party certification for ISO14001, the international standard for environmental management systems.
We also have established an environmental management structure that ensures compliance with environmental laws and regulations, and enables continuous improvements to our environmental performance.

We designate a director to oversee the management of our environmental management system. Each work location manages site-specific goals and the entire company has incorporated document management and workflow management systems.We also are engaged in a shift to paperless offices. Promoting the shift to paperless offices was one of the factors behind our being able to make a smooth transition to telecommuting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To maintain and improve our environmental management system, our Internal Audit Department conducts regular audits and those results are applied towards management reviews.

Environmental Policy and Management

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