IR basic policy

Basic IR Policy

The Company discloses information to all shareholders and investors in a timely, fair, and appropriate manner. By doing so, we endeavor to increase trust in the Company’s IR activities and appropriately reflect corporate value in valuations by the capital markets.

IR Information Disclosure Policy

Information Disclosure

The Company complies with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, related laws and regulations, and the rules of the stock exchange on which our shares are listed in disclosing information. We also disclose information that is useful in helping shareholders and investors gain a deeper understanding of the Company, even though the information is not subject to the timely disclosure rule.

Disclosure Method

The Company discloses information subject to the rule of timely disclosure by registering it on the TDnet system operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and by providing an environment on the corporate website that enables information to be communicated as quickly and broadly as possible to the general public.

The Company also regards our corporate website as one important means for communicating information to all shareholders and investors. We actively and fairly disclose information that is not subject to the disclosure rule but is deemed to facilitate the understanding of shareholders and investors on the corporate website as quickly as possible, from the perspective of fair disclosure. However, the information the Company discloses on the corporate website may not include all information disclosed by the Company. The manner of expression may also differ from information disclosed via other means.

View on Forward-looking Statements

Information disclosed on the corporate website includes forecasts of future performance in addition to historical facts about the plans, strategy for achieving the forecasts for the future, and other matters pertaining to the Company and the AS ONE Group. Such forecasts are based on information available at that point in time and actual performance may vary from performance forecasts due to many different factors. The corporate website is designed to give users a deeper understanding of the Company and is not provided for solicitation of investment. Users should exercise their own judgement concerning investment.

Quiet Period for IR Activities

To prevent leaks of information on financial performance and maintain fairness, the period extending from the final day of each fiscal period until the results announcement date is designated as a quiet period. The Company refrains from commenting or answering questions on financial performance during this period. However, if the Company finds that results are expected to diverge substantially from the performance forecast during the quiet period, we will disclose such information appropriately, in accordance with the rules on disclosure. The Company does respond to questions concerning information that has already been publicly disclosed even during the quiet period.